Thank you. Prouty's book was my first encounter with the crazy world of "Spy vs Spy" 6 years ago. It was an eye opener.

I remember wondering at the time how a high profile guy like that could blow the whistle on such a sensitive topic and not get suicided in a bowl of water? Today, everybody blabs about everything; but when that book came out, it was very risky to go public with that stuff.

Whistleblowers had extremely short lifespans.

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Speaking of faux student organizations, I personally have spoken to several expat Jewish Americans who were chosen to participate in the "National Leadership Training" program after graduating high school.

It's anyones' guess what type of "leaders" the Powers That Be had in mind to create, but many NLT American Jews were required to pursue their university education in Israel.

A close friend of ours from New Jersey remembers receiving a degree in "city planning" ; although his engagement announcement from 1972 states that he studied International Relations at the Hebrew U.


According to this young man, he and his new bride somehow managed to convince the Russians to let them spend their honeymoon on a motorcycle tour covering the length and breadth of the SOVIET UNION at a time when no one was allowed in or out of that place!

Just a lucky break I suppose...

Another friend studied Law and is now the senior legal advisor to the Prime Minister on cultural affairs in Israel.

Nothing weird about the above examples except for the fact that in both cases, the families of the students were high ranking freemasons. The same was true regarding my husband's family.

It was impossible to be a "somebody" in the intel services or the military without a lifetime membership in some masonic cult. That rule remains in place today.

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My spouse was one of those"unwitting" children born in 1955 and was trained and groomed from infancy to be a "somebody" in the technical arm of the CIA ( like DARPA).

In fact, his entire small town of Catskill NY was selected by the "spooks" to be a bootcamp/selection center for the future leaders of the NWO.

In his graduating class of 1973 alone, one girl became head of the US Organ Bank , another guy (a Jesuit no less) became a renowned brain surgeon, another a congressman , a black fellow became a famous jazz musician; and that is only a partial list.

It's important to mention that between 1969-73 nearly all of the teaching staff of the Catskill high school were out of towners contracted by the US government to teach certain subjects and enter into extremely weird and inappropriate relationships with the students .

These adult deviants did their work very well and undoubtably with enjoyed it immensely. There were literally hundreds of similar (dirty) high schools all across the US churning out mind controlled "leaders" of the next generation.

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The mother of al conspiracy theories indeed...

How do you explain the role of the student's protests in bringing the Vietnam war to and end?

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HaHa. The students had nothing to do with ending the war. Most of them were paid actors. The point of the protests was to demoralize the military by calling them "baby killers" and physically attack any Vietnam vet who happened to cross their path. It was terrible.

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the most famous cia 'protestor' of course was John Kerry. I still watch the clip every now and then to see that smug, phony 'anti war' act. The cia had so many obvious actors back then (Kerry, Ayers, Jim Morrison, Manson,etc). Now they have infinitely more, although they're better disguised as news-reader/talking head/comedian types...

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I don't know how old you are, but the most famous of the fake news anchormen in the 60s was Walter Cronkite. He was so convincing that even LBJ (I believe) said "If Walter says so and so is going to happen- it WILL".

It took us kids YEARS (some never got it) to figure out that Cronkite didn't do anything more than look honest while reading "his" news from a teleprompter . Sheez... what a bummer that was for us!

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I'm in my early 50s. True, all (or nearly all) of those 'distinguished' newscasters were shills for US policy. Now they don't even pretend to be objective. I've been reading Francisco, Jared Israel and related *real* history since around 2001 or 2002. Good stuff. It sort of messes with the head when one understands US policy far deeper than most people.

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I'm glad someone is able to wrap their head around American policy... I guess if you view it like a game of "3 Card Monty" you'll be on the same wavelength! LOL

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Excellent! Think you would enjoy Fletcher Prouty’s ‘The Secret Team’ which you can find on the internet archive if not in print. It details the same basic process taking place in the Pentagon and all other branches of government.

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