There were protests against me in Palma de Mallorca
They accused I am “racist” and want “the extermination of the Palestinian population.”
But I have always defended the Arab Palestinians.
And my conference in Mallorca was about the history of Western Asia…
I have now seen it all, I guess…
Some say journalism has died. Others (like me) ask ourselves if it was ever born. We are interested to find out when the management of reality began and we think that an interesting hypothesis, and even a convincing hypothesis, is that it has been managed from the very beginning. But that aside, there is little question that journalism, in this moment, is dead.
Here follows the demonstration.
I was invited to give a conference in the City Council (Cort) in Palma de Mallorca’s Old City. A treat for me, not only for the pleasure of sharing my research but also the opportunity to savor the city. Only once before, many years ago, had I visited Palma. And too fast. I longed for another opportunity to enjoy the blue waters and sky of the Mediterranean, lose myself in the alleyways, and gape in awe at the city walls and at that monument to Medieval masonry, piety, and vanity: the cathedral.
Two days before my conference, the newspaper Última Hora interviewed me. After which social media in Mallorca was lit abuzz concerning the allegation that I had something against the Arab Palestinians.
According to Diario de Mallorca, the organization Ciudadanos por Palestina was saying that I am “an islamophobe who justifies Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people” and who was coming to give “hate speeches,” and that the Cort library should not lend itself to be “a platform for fascists who support genocide.”
And Podemos, the political party, expressed in its X account that my conference was a “criminal act” and that the “hypocrisy and evil” of the City Council, for lending itself to this, was “entirely without limit.”
In Diario de Sevilla they said that Més per Palma (a political party allied with PSOE and very ‘woke,’ they tell me) wanted to get my conference canceled. They published in their X account the following hyperventilated fit:
“We reject the support given by PP [Partido Popular] to an event in favor of the genocide in Gaza. We denounce that the government has invited to the Cort Library an author who defends racist stances against the Arabs and who justifies the extermination of the Palestinian population.”
I clarify that “the support given by PP” and “the government” was nonexistent. I was invited by the Jewish community in Mallorca (the City Council allows the use of its premises for all manner of conferences).
All of this—the interpretation that Francisco Gil-White is a “racist” and a “criminal” who, to boot, “justifies Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people”—supposedly was in some way connected to the content of my interview with Última Hora.
Did anybody read it?
In that interview I defended Israel’s military response against Hamas terrorism because the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have been careful to do everything possible to protect the Arab Palestinian civilians. I also said that the IDF should have done this a long time ago, and that this “would have protected the Arab Palestinian population.” In my article about Hamas I said that “only thus,” that is, by destroying Hamas, “will there be a liberation for the Arabs in Gaza.” That’s precisely the opposite of someone who “justifies the extermination of the Palestinian population.”
And no such extermination is taking place.
A week ago Associated Press wrote:
“… the Palestinian death toll from Israel’s offensive [rises] to 26,900, according to the Hamas-controlled Health Ministry. It does not distinguish between civilian and combatant deaths but [Hamas] says most of those killed were women and children.”
Let’s be generous with Hamas and round that number up: 30,000 dead. Still generous, let us say they are all civilians, as if not one terrorist (‘combatant,’ for the Associated Press) existed in Gaza. This would mean that in Gaza, where 2,400,000 persons lived, almost 99% of the population survives. If that’s a ‘genocide’ the word loses all meaning. (Compare to the Holocaust, in which 66% of the European Jewish population was murdered.)
In any case, no intelligent person can believe the figures concocted by Hamas, a genocidal terrorist organization. They lie as a matter of course.
Naturally some Arab Palestinian civilians have died—a tragedy we can all lament—. But who bears the responsibility? They wouldn’t have died if Hamas—breaking the ceasefire that existed before October 7th—had not launched a beyond-horror-film attack that victimized even women, the elderly, and babies.
And the Hamas strategy—from the beginning—has been precisely the opposite of protecting Arab Palestinian civilians, whom it sacrifices as ‘human shields.’ Israel, by contrast, makes great efforts to spare Arab Palestinian civilians. So it is immoral to blame Israel instead of Hamas for the current death toll (as I have said).
Recruited, according to Diario de Mallorca, by Ciudadanos por Palestina, Mallorca por Palestina, and Mallorca Antifascista, the Hyperventilated Ones kept their promise and showed up to protest in front of the City Council at the time of my conference. Incredible. And they spent their time chanting. I swear it. Some counted fifty (the police); others more than a hundred (the journalists).

The police contained the affair to guarantee the right to free expression (for the protesters and the featured speaker). But I never got to see all the street excitement. Damn. I neither saw nor heard them. I had come into the Cort earlier and by the time we left all the enthusiasm had died: nobody was there.
But my quarry here is the behavior of the journalists.
Minutes before my talk was to begin, a gaggle of bright young lads from what they call ‘the press,’ with two cameras rolling, came into the Cort library and put microphones in my face. Courteously, they asked me a few questions. So I took this opportunity to clarify things.
They asked me about the protesters and I replied that it was all a mystery to me, for I have always defended the Arab Palestinians. I couldn’t understand how anybody could conclude otherwise.
But, more than that, I said, it was very clearly and publicly announced that my presentation that night was about the curious structure of the political history of Western Asia (which includes Europe) for the last 4,300 years. Within that, I had two main purposes:
to refute (as I also do in my scholarly publications) those academics who distort the ancient Greeks as the supposed authors of our democracy, and the ancient Persians—protectors and patrons of the Jews—as the supposed enemies of freedom; and
highlight the role of the Jewish people inspiring the political liberation of Westerners.
(By the way, my talk in Mallorca is documented here, though the video for my identical talk in Valencia has better quality.)
So what were those people doing screaming outside? Did it really make sense to come denounce an academic talk about ancient Mesopotamia and the Greco-Roman world because someone (the Lord knows who) had told them that I didn’t love the Arab Palestinians?
Those were my statements to ‘the press.’
Now, this was a juicy controversy. I was claiming to be the exact opposite of a racist and, to boot, a defender of the Arab Palestinians who’d come to present on a different topic entirely; the screamers outside were denouncing alleged “hate speeches” from a “racist” promoter of “genocide” against the Palestinians.
What question should a journalist answer for the public? What was the moral and professional obligation? Since apparently this is not obvious, I will spell it out: find out who is telling the truth.
And that was easy, here. Because the internet exists and my work of the preceding years is scattered in multiple copies far and wide. Verifying my claims and views over the years on racism, generally, and on the Arab Palestinians, in particular, is an almost effortless task.
On the first point, entirely mediocre searching abilities and no more than twenty minutes—not even—will suffice to establish that fighting racism has been the central concern of my entire professional life.
How about that!

Let’s see…
My doctoral dissertation, published in Current Anthropology in 2001, contained a new theory to explain the evolutionary and cognitive origins of racism, developed to equip us with better tools with which to transcend this deadly sociological scourge.
In 2004 I published a book, Resurrecting Racism: The Modern Attack on Black People Using Phony Science, which investigates the manner in which, with all manner of subtleties, the power elites have tried to revive racism against blacks in US society.
For twenty years I have investigated and published on the history of another form of racism: antisemitism. I do so in my series of 10 (projected) books: El Colapso de Occidente: El Siguiente Holocausto y sus Consecuencias (The Collapse of the West: The Next Holocaust and its Consequences), and in all manner of articles, interviews, and conferences. The first five tomes of El Colapso were published a good ten years ago.
More recently I have explained and denounced the new ‘woke’ racism against whites. Because—contrary to what many in the supposed ‘left’ believe—racism is not okay when the victim is pale-faced.
And about the Arab Palestinians, what have I said? Here is a (partial) summary:
In 2006 I published an article in my earlier website, Historical and Investigative Research, to document the history of oppressions suffered by the Arab Palestinians at the hands of the Arab power elites before and during the period of the British Mandate for Palestine.
In those days I also published a long documentation on the history of US foreign policy towards Israel, where I included an investigation of the alliance between Hamas and PLO/Fatah (what they now call the ‘Palestinian Authority’) to oppress the Arab Palestinians. I detailed some of their crimes.
Tome 1 of El Colapso, from 2013, is dedicated, in its entirety, to documenting the crimes of Hajj Amín al Husseini, the greatest-ever oppressor of Arab Palestinians. My text denounces also some other oppressors of the Arab Palestinians.

In 2021 I published an article titled ‘Why doesn’t anybody defend the Arab Palestinians?’, where I documented the long history of oppressions suffered by Arab Palestinians and the manner in which their so-called ‘defenders’ in fact add to their suffering, allying with their oppressors.
After this Hamas-Israel war started, I documented and denounced for my readers that Hamas and the UN (United Nations) were colluding to destroy the minds and bodies of Palestinian children. It is an unimaginable crime. And the UN is doing this. I asked: ‘Why does the UN attack Palestinian children?’
Once again I asked: Why are so many politicians, activists, governments, and institutions pretending to defend the Arab Palestinians when in truth they are condemning them to be poisoned by a band of racist, terrorist, and totalitarian criminals who use them as cannon fodder and human shields?
More recently, for those listening to me in various interviews, I have said that the government of Israel committed a crime against the Arab Palestinians when it allowed the terrorists of PLO/Fatah (now called ‘Palestinian Authority’) to come and govern them in the disputed territories of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza (Oslo Accords of 1993-94). I said that, for example, in an interview with Sergio Bacari. And (in the Spanish-speaking world) everybody seems to know Bacari. It’s like he’s a media company or something.
If all that were not enough, the main theme of my next conferences will be on the following topic. I claim that the State of Israel has a debt to pay the Palestinian Arabs for having allowed those God-awful terrorists to come in and rule them. And I claim, also, that this morally obligates the State of Israel—all of Israeli society—to save the Palestinian Arabs.
[NOTE 2024-11-2: In view of one comment I got, I add this clarifying note: I am not saying Israel owes the Arab Palestinians a ‘Palestinian State.’]
And how can Israel save the Palestinian Arabs? Why, by destroying utterly the terrorists organizations that oppress them! And in this I mean not only Hamas but also PLO/Fatah. After this, the Israelis will have to guarantee the liberty and safety of the Arab Palestinians. I also claim that.
Given that all of this is plain to see with the merest exposure to the internet, it is awesome to contemplate that, in ‘reporting,’ these young ‘journalists’ could only repeat for their readers the nonsense accusations of the protesters and never mentioned my work. Even after my conference, Europa Press did that. And IB3 Noticias published interviews with the protesters and one tiny bit of my reply.
And that was it.
No media outlet explained to the public anything at all about my background and work. Not one item cited above was recruited to help news consumers consider the argument—if any existed—brandished by the organized virtue-signalers of the supposed ‘left’ to call me an anti-Palestinian racist.
Journalism is not the same thing as repeating someone’s accusation; journalism means investigating the accusation.
And how to explain all this? As always, we must consider more than one hypothesis.
One says that the problem here is incompetence. The quality of journalism today is simply abysmal: these young ‘journalists’ made not the slightest effort to find out what Francisco Gil-White has ever written or said. They didn’t even stay to hear the conference—after interviewing me, they rushed out to publish again the accusations against me—. They have no professional shame to speak of. The truth is uninteresting to them. In short, they don’t give a damn about journalism.
For this hypothesis—let us be clear—one must invoke in these young ‘journalists’ a professional incompetence, cultural apathy, civilizational corrosion, moral bankruptcy, and personality collapse of such magnitude that one is left in a kind of fright.
But the alternative hypothesis offers no succor to a frightened mind. For this hypothesis proposes that these young ‘journalists’ are motivated by a kind of satanic Macchiavellianism; they have chosen—and with malice aforethought—to represent someone who fights racism and defends the Palestinian Arabs as a supposed “racist” who wants to exterminate them!
Or perhaps we should combine the hypotheses, as I have suggested elsewhere : the machiavellianism is at the top of the media institutions, and these young ‘journalists,’ obviously unclear on what journalism is and in a total fog about who they really work for, are just useful tools deftly wielded by the bosses.
Choosing the model that best represents reality is a challenge I leave for the reader. My job is to present the evidence.
But whatever the true explanation, it is important at least to give a clear description—in proper historical context—for what happened the night of my talk in the Cort Plaza of Palma de Mallorca.

This is what happened. A group of protesters came together to denounce that I support the State of Israel. And they came together (let us be frank) to show support, not for the Arab Palestinians, but for their Hamas oppressors.
This support for Hamas—terrorists who explain in their constitution their intention to exterminate the Israeli Jews—was expressed in the Cort Plaza of Palma de Mallorca, where in past centuries a multitude of Jews were burned alive by the genocidal racists of the ‘Holy’ Inquisition.
And what these protesters tried to stop—without success—was that a remnant of surviving Jews in Mallorca, plus the ‘chueta’ descendants of forcibly converted Jews, could attend a conference about the religious and political heroism of their ancestors.
I hope and wish, for the good of the West, that the hearts of these ‘wokesters,’ of these supposed ‘leftists’ who pretend so loudly to defend the oppressed, may again experience the emotion of shame.
And may the emotion of gratitude also flourish. For it was from the memory of an Israelite revolution against an oppressive pharaoh who’d enslaved them, and from the Hebrew commandment to ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ (Leviticus 19.18), the source of all Jewish ethics, that we inherited those freedoms honored (for a few minutes still…) in our Western democracies, including the freedom to protest ignorantly and incoherently in the Cort Plaza of Palma de Mallorca.
It was painful reading your article, and that pain was amplified by recognizing that your experience is quite typical throughout the western world. Facts don't matter. If you support Israel then according to today's woke culture you must be a racist supporting an apartheid and genocidal regime. More importantly, you have no right to exist let alone speak in defense of what is right and factual. Sic transit gloria mundi!
Keep up the excellent work. And don’t worry, it’s no wonder this kind of thing happens. After all, as OSHO has said,
“Democracy means of the people, by the people, for the people…but, the people are retarded.”