Great article, Francisco. It seems psychopathies are havinf a field day in this era not just in the highest spheres but also in societies at large Professor Gaad calls it the "mind virus". Maybe pathologies of the mind develop more quickly and more effectively when there is no moral compass, no shared values, no rules to guide us. And maybe so many decades of peace and prosperity have stultified the western brain. Humans should always walk on a rope above an abyss, only with a constant threat they would keep alert and possibly sane. When they walk a safe path for too long, they go beserk.

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14Author

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I don't think humans go berserk merely from walking a safe path for a long time. Bsbylonians kept to their ethical path for 2000 years. The problem we have in the modern West is that the power elites, the bosses, have always been psychopathic antisemites interested in enslaving everybody, and continue to be, so they have worked hard to destroy our modern peace. We can't let them succeed.

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