Some (eg Dale Wiggington) posit that the spraying never stopped. It is now termed geoengineering but still involves spraying poison via aeroplanes. And doesn't only involve the USA. So your analysis of American democracy would need to incorporate understanding of wider geopolitical influences, eg WEF.

Are you familiar with the analyses of Catherine Austin Fitts, btw? She produces the Solari Report.

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Thanks for your comment. Indeed, as I state in my other article, the one that is specifically focused on the history of the spraying, there is every reason to believe the spraying never stopped.


I agree that the wider geopolitical picture is important. This article was about the US. I will be discussing the WEF soon.

Not familiar with Catherine. I will check her out. Thanks!

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CAF has a recent interview with Greg Hunter on USAwatchdog.com

I will read your other article.

Happy New Year!

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