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"quando, quando"? :) Muchas gracias!!! Incl 1848, and Parts 1 & 2; I have read perhaps a dozen of your essays since October 2023. All outstanding. Due in part to at least 3 particular archaeological excavations - I suspect that the Torah's indication of Israelite/Jewish timelines are more accurate than not. Those 3 sample excavations are: 1) The Altar at Shiloh and the two mountains related 2) the possible/likely Altar of Abraham located at Mamre - outside of Hebron 3) the excavation sites of David - located at Jerusalem - a) the temple/altar b) the pool c) the castle/fort/headquarters so to speak also referred to as The City of David (note: there have been two locations vying for that 'title'). Most of the archaeologist providing excellent video coverage are 'proselytizers' so-to-speak. Fortunately there are a number of or some practicing Jewish archaeologists arising. The 'proselytizers' though have done a great job of absconding the work of the Israeli-Jewish archaeologists who were/are usually severely 'secular' and quite anti-religious. They had done great work but their interpretations have often been biased in the extreme. 4) There is also a brilliant study undertaken by Sir Colin J. Humphreys. That is documented in his delightful yet thorough book "The Miracles of Exodus... a scientist's discovery of the extraordinary causes of the biblical stories" (2003). Notably, at least generally in the Judaic view 'miracles' only occur within the natural world. Perhaps 'miracles' can be defined by their timing rather than the nature of their unfolding? Maybe. 5) yet another 'proselytizer':) who is doing excellent work and he has made a fab series of short videos available via youtube as - expedition bible - by joel kramer. Regards and thanks for your work and continued success and writings, Ira

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